Remote work statistics in Europe

In France, around 10% of job listings offer remote or hybrid work options, while in the UK and Germany, this percentage is between 15 and 16%.

Spain has the greatest proportion of job postings suitable for remote or hybrid work among the six main European economies, standing at 18%.

:it: In Italy, just 8% of job listings mention remote work, which is the lowest compared to other countries. This percentage has been decreasing since reaching its highest point of 10% in 2021.

:us: The recent decrease in remote-eligible job ads in the United States, currently at 8% from 10% at the beginning of 2022, is mostly due to a drop in technology job postings, a sector where a significant number of positions can be performed remotely.

Searches for remote/hybrid work are currently at or close to record highs in most countries, indicating a strong and lasting interest among job seekers in remote work.

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