IT job postings decline

IT job postings decreased by 25% compared to pre-pandemic levels! :chart_with_downwards_trend:

Job listings have significantly decreased from pre-pandemic levels in various professional sectors, not just tech! :man_technologist:

3 out of the 5 industries experiencing the most significant decline in job listings as of Feb. 16 compared to pre-pandemic levels are:

  • Software Development (28% decline),
  • Information design & Documentation (26% decline), and
  • Mathematics (19% decline).

:computer: However, marketing (18% decline) and media & communications (14% decline) are typically linked with knowledge workers and professionals, rather than being exclusive to technology.

Job listings for human resources positions, especially for roles that require extensive recruiting, have dropped by 17% compared to pre-pandemic levels as of Feb. 16.

:speech_balloon: What are your thoughts on this? Comment below!

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