4-day workweek keeps increasing!

:star2: Jobs advertising a 4-day workweek accounted for 0.3% of total Indeed job postings for September in the US​:star2:

  • Sectors with the highest share of 4-day advertisements were concentrated in in-person jobs, including dentistry and veterinary services.

  • Manufacturing is also one of the top sectors advertising a 4-day workweek, amid demands for a shorter workweek from the striking auto workers union.

  • Physicians & surgeons (1%), production & manufacturing (0.7%), and driving roles (0.7%) round out the list of the five sectors with the highest share of jobs mentioning a 4-day work week.

  • Tech sectors, including software and IT, both come in at just 0.2% and did not crack the top five.

:thinking: What are your thoughts on this? Comment below!