What cities in Europe have more remote job openings for IT positions?

This ranking provides some insights :bulb::chart_with_upwards_trend: about the #remotework situation in Europe.

:trophy: Poland :poland: is the leader country in remote IT openings and it is shown by the 5 Polish cities among the Top 10 cities with more IT remote job offers.

All cities in the Top 10 have more than 15% of remote work. The cities are from Switzerland, Poland, Germany, the UK, Ukraine and the Czech Republic.:switzerland::poland::de::uk::ukraine::czech_republic:

The two leading cities are Zurich, Switzerland​:switzerland:(27.3%) and Wroclaw, Poland :poland: (26.5%). The last city completing the Top 3 is Berlin :de: with 23.5% remote IT job openings.:round_pushpin: